Friday 14 November 2014


Love's Last Meeting is a short improvised film about two lovers. As they pass a red umbrella which symbolises their dying love. Originally a sound film, the audio turned out appalling so it was dumped and turned into a tone poem in post production. It was originally filmed as a comedy with drama students however they didn't turn up and we decided to turn the idea into a tongue in cheek - mostly do to acting. However I believe my editing has lead my interpretation of the footage to be highly subjective and therefore is capable of being interpreted any way the viewer prefers.

Sunday 9 November 2014


After a month of delays and other discouragements I've finally managed to produce a small teaser of what will ultimately become the short film. I've used all the footage I have that links together to produce a rough cut of the opening to the film.

I'm taking a hiatus from filming as I feel my actors aren't getting paid for this and I don't want to make them freeze to death in the cold. I expect to return to shooting early next year. Part of me regrets this but I feel its for the best so I don't get too worked up over the difficulties of film making.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

AUTUMN - Short Film

I present to you one of the first pieces of College second year work I'm actually proud of. Stunning! I know right. God, things are just so much better than last year in media studies.

We were told to go out and film something and just "impress" our lecturer and I ended up in a team with two other guys: Aynsley and Calum. The theme was 'Changing seasons'. I'm really happy with this video and I feel it encapsulates everything I can improve upon as a filmmaker. Taking initiative in shot design to having my own individual edit distinct from the others. In fact, it may be the first thing I've ever been proud of in college. Enough to warrant willingly being picked on, for showcase by my lecturer.

Sunday 2 November 2014


Filming began a little over a week ago on my new short film: The Revival of Dracula; however I'm facing several problems and roadblocks which are highlighting the fact that I need to be tougher in order to become a better director.

Due to the over whelming friendly chemistry on the set with my friends/the co-stars I was unable to get as many shots as I desired that day due to everyone being distracted. We did manage 1 scene though and I suppose it was rather optimistic to believe I could actually get more in 1 day. Frank managed to fill an entire SD card with Behind The Scenes footage. Also because as soon as we got me suited up for Count Dracula's scenes we discovered that the goddamn fangs dont stick to my mouth.

Following this I successfully shot some solo scenes with my girlfriend Gabby (or Gee); pictured above. I was very happy with the way these turned out as I learned how to effectively play with lighting on my new DSLR - A Canon 550D. Wonderful piece of machinery, to film a wonderful girlfriend.

Okay so far so good, 3 out of 8 scenes done, but after trying my fangs again for Halloween - which still did not work we came to the conclusion that my canine teeth are simply too small to allow me to play Dracula. Worse, I find Gabby has had fake blood spill over her white hoodie, which I'm going to have to shoot around now. We eventually decided on Frank playing Dracula due to his natural fang-like teeth anyway.

We'll see how things progress....