Wednesday 24 December 2014

Christmas Videos

From our Skype viewing of 'The Grinch' (2000). Who knows maybe if peeps are lucky Frank may release the full thing.

Next up was the much anticipated christmas present - a complete mystery to JJ until this point!

Saturday 13 December 2014


As part of Bath College's series 'Amplitude' which showcases the music students and gives them a spotlight, Me and Frank were given the task of designing and producing an episode. From interviewing music students I met Mali Bone, whom by chance of fate had already caught me on stand when I went to see one of filmmaker Kevin Smith's Q&As. Anyways, We decided chiefly Frank would direct and I would vision mix and despite some faults with the vision mixer I feel we did a great job together. We also devised of a show plan which I feel is simultaneously very lazy and simple, without being too boring. Overall, despite the stress of working with live broadcast equipment I can definitely say I had a good time with it.

-The aforementioned Kevin Smith Q&A where he hugged me and let me sit on stage... what a hero! I'm the guy to the side in the white shirt with long hair.

Thursday 4 December 2014


The Bath Christmas Market is a common staple of the Bath tourism and culture, as such it was no surprise when the college tasked me and a small group to make a short film (though this is more of like a tone poem) of the Bath Christmas Market. This was an exercise in using low lighting and boosting settings to get the best out of the dark environment.