Friday 20 May 2016

UPDATE 20/05/16

As you can see, pre-production has begun on my next film (working title: The Hamleigh Escalation or Fear Itself) after many many months of uncertain development involving 3 different stories no less. After some brief ideas from one of my comrades - Frank Norman I have been able to come up with the latest flick.

To be honest, I feel story wise this may be the best movie I've ever written. I'm usually not one for drawing from my own life for inspiration but the themes of anxiety and how it can make monsters out of us if we feed it are prominent and in my opinion make it a very worth while story.

Currently writing the script but as of yet haven't much clue when to expect it to be released.

In comic news the long announced Shortlad Rebooted has been dropped for a new full length comic book reboot. My new comic imprint - Pugly Studios will premier next Monday on Tumblr. Aiming for a page to be released every Monday and Friday at least for Issue #1 you can check that out here:

Tuesday 4 August 2015


Okay. I'll admit I don't use this blog as much as I probably should, same with the Facebook page. However I have recently began getting the hang of Twitter so maybe I'm not such an old fogey.

First up. Although we opted to not show 'The Hamleigh Disappearances' It has been very well received. To be honest probably much better than most of my previous films. Among that praise was the last minute decision of having such a subtle tie-in to 'The Revival Of Dracula'. To all who worked on and enjoyed it - I thank you.

My next project is looking to be 'Interview With A Frankenstein' although this title may change. I'm currently not ready to release any details as I'm still in the developing stage and things are fluid however you can rest assured it's set in the same universe as my aforementioned movies. It will likely be following in 'The Revival Of Dracula''s vein when it comes to style and I am hoping if everything goes well to aim for a Halloween release as I did with Dracula only this time... actually make it there.

Secondly, Jordan's project has not been abandoned. However after producing a script I have came to the realization that at this stage in my career it feels a bit too advanced. I'm still keeping it and occasionally looking at different ways I can retool it but it probably won't be made any time soon. In the mean time look for our film Toast for more creative input from Jordan.

Lastly, in December an important event in my life will occur. Seeing a brand new Star Wars movie and to give thanks to the franchise I plan to create a documentary about how much Star Wars means to me on a personal level and how it was the catalyst for my lifelong interest in film and the art of movie-making.

Thats about all for now. At the stage where Frankenstein developing has kind of overridden everything else.

Friday 17 July 2015

Tuesday 23 June 2015


One day I randomly stumbled upon a video by Happy Harry which was very helpful in explaining basically how to work a good flash animation. So I through together an improvised animation featuring Shortlad fighting some sort of large snake just for fun. I think it turned out pretty swell and maybe some day if I put enough commitment into learning animation there may be a new and improved Short Lad: The Animated Series.