Wednesday 22 October 2014


It's amazing to think that in just under 3 weeks, I've been able to formulate an idea of what I want from a Dracula short film and write a 7 page script about it. All stemming from my costume this year. Just wow, to top it off I'm even producing storyboards (a rare occurrence for me) and have ready and willing actors and have even bought prosthetics and make-up in preparation!

...Just wow! this is probably outside of college, the most professional I've ever been in creating a film. I'm so excited for this, we start shooting Saturday and I cannot wait! It's how planned everything is, my new camera, using my friends as actors like the old days, Frank shooting behind scenes material, Dracula, the B-Movie aesthetic! it's all tumbled so fast and I'm so joyed to be making this!

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