Wednesday 11 February 2015


Hey, from the City of Bath College. Me and my fellow Media students love creating film as you no doubt know from following my work - so much so that we have decided to step out of our comfort zone and try and achieve the impossible. In March 2015 we are creating two short films and we need your help!
It's an exciting concept that we can create something the trumps the quality of anything i've ever previously done. The plan is simple; we take our acting talent and ourselves to a location in Somerset and shoot solidly for 3 days. It will be tough - but it will ultimately be worth it.
However, it costs money to make a film and this is why we have decided to launch a campaign.
We need funding so that we can exclusively use a location for a 3 nights as well make the film look and feel epic as a science fiction film should. Backing this project will mean that we will be able to hire or purchase extra equipment such as lights, sound, dollys and lenses plus more.
In supporting us you will be involved in a unique part of cinematic history that will go a long way in kick starting our careers as filmmakers - it's a tough industry, which is why we are attempting this massive feat! In return we will keep you up-to-date with how the project is going through videos (possibly ran by me), blogs, images and concept art and you will also qualify for one of our incentives listed in the link below - some that include a ticket to the premiere in June!
Thank you for reading!
                                                    Visit the link here--- bladud film 2015

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