Saturday 18 January 2014

Power Rangers Fandom Force Chapter I

Power Rangers Fandom Force
Chapter 1: Go Go Power Rangers.
Written and created by Thee Hatter

Moskow couldn't quite believe he’d done it as the final credit’s rolled on the screen. After many days and nights watching power rangers, it was finally completed-There was none left to watch. He let out a satisfied sigh, leaning back in his chair. That…was awesome. Now to just have a celebratory drink of Cola, and…
“Matthew Stiles, you have proven yourself to be a true ranger.”
Moskow froze in mid thought. That…wasn't coming from anywhere behind him, which meant…He looked at the screen in confusion. Did he have Skype open and accidentally call someone? Was it some oddly fitting ad? What the hell was going on? The more he looked at the screen, the more confused he got. The episode had ended, the bar was at the end and wasn't playing so…why was the voice coming from the video?
“You have proven that you will persevere throughout, staying true to the things you love. As such, you…have been chosen.”
The voice sounded familiar, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it-but soon that wasn't the concerning thing. A small breeze had started up, or at least that’s what he thought at first, but then he realized what was so odd about it. For starters, all the windows and doors were closed, and for seconds, the breeze seemed to be heading into the laptop. Either something had gone horribly wrong with the fan, or something really strange was going on.
“Uhh…” Moskow muttered, staring blankly at the screen. “what the heck?”
At that point he heard the sound of glass hitting wood as his celebratory drink decided on a new destination other then Moskow’s mouth, although it was one neither of them expected. Moskow stared in awe as instead of spilling out and ruining his laptop, the liquid…hovered. Before he even realized what was going on, it seemed to rush towards the screen like a bull to the colour red, but instead of soaking it it just…vanished. Moskow had a bad feeling about this, and considering his hair was now flying everywhere it was pretty founded. He quickly jumped up, not caring as the laptop and glass clattered to the ground-well, the laptop did, the glass just fell inside it like the drink. He tried to run, but soon the floor in which he was running on seemed to lose quite a lot of friction. Looking down, he realized the reason for this was most likely because he was now two feet above it. Before he even had time to react, the suction force coming from the laptop went into overdrive, and, with nothing to stop him moving through the air, he found himself hurtling towards the screen. He had no idea how he fit, but it felt much like he’d imagine going through a black hole would feel, only without the crippling agony and death. Moskow screamed as he felt like half his body in free-fall, whilst the other half stretched to catch up. Before he knew it he felt his feet softly hit ground, and he felt the rest of him act like a rubber band and fling him straight onto his face, landing in a puddle of coke.
“Owww….” He moaned, slowly getting himself up. Where he was…he had no idea. Well, that wasn't strictly true. The black decor, the seemingly empty space, the indent in the center that a bright light just began shining through…”No way…”
This had to be a dream. This is what happens after you watch so many episodes, it has to be. That’s the only reason this was happening. That’s the only way he could explain the face that suddenly began to appear in the light-wait a second. That…was not who he thought it would be. Long White hair combed back, deep wrinkles in his face and a grandfatherly sparkle in his eye, that…was not Zordon. That…was William Hartnell.

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