Thursday 23 January 2014

Power Rangers Fandom Force Chapter II

Chapter 2: Friendship is Magic.
Created by Thee Hatter 

“Mathew Moskow Stiles. You have proven yourself to be brave, and can sit through many trials for that what you love. For this reason, you have been called upon to help us, and the world.” The giant floating head of Hartnell explained, his voice booming around the room. What was this? Was this a dream? No, that patch of coke on his shirt was definitely really wet, so this…this was actually 100% real. As impossible as it was, there was no other explanation. Moskow could do nothing but just stand gobsmacked trying to process the information.
“But no one would expect one lone hero to save us, for it is not just your love who is in danger. No. All of you must fight for the things that make you happy when sad, the things you watch and obsess over to keep you sane. You have all passed the initial trial set to you without realizing, and as such we call upon you now, heroes of fiction, to save our future.”
As Hartnell said this, a bright pink light seemed to engulf Moskow, and despite the view being tinted in pink, he noticed for the first time that he was not the only one in the room. Apart from him, there were about six other people, also with lights surrounding them. It was at that point he felt a small tug on his neck, and he looked down to see the my little pony necklace he so often wore around his neck raising slightly, like it was buffering in the wind-but something was different. It was like where the light was passing by him, the necklace was acting like a sponge and absorbing it, till no more like was left.
“Step forward…Harvey Stines”.
Across the room, Moskow watched as a guy about a year older than him stumbled forward. He wore a white tanktop, and worn blue jeans. His hair was short and black, and he certainly had the right sorta build for someone you wanted in a fight. Moskow could just about make out something in his pocket that he severally hoped was a wand.
“You have proven yourself to be brave of heart, and your daring, nerve and chivalry sets you apart from the rest. You stick by what you love, despite it’s flaws. As such, you are the teams, leader, and should wear your house colour’s with pride. You’re a Ranger, Harvey. The Red Ranger-Harry Potter.”
The wand in his pocket began to glow a faint red, and Harvey looked around speechless.
“This is your team…Steven “Watchkeeper” Danston, one who can see all of time and space, and is loyal to his companions…the Blue Ranger, Doctor Who. Stacey Vickers, who has proven that she will value her friendship and stop at nothing to unearth the truth, she is the White Ranger-Sherlock. Ronald Enders, a wayward son who has learned to carry on, and will fight heaven and hell to keep his brother safe-The Black Ranger, supernatural. Charlie “Princess” Smith, one who will fight for her happy ending, and is not afraid to wish upon a star. She is the Green Ranger, Disney. Jamie Summer’s, who know’s that her friends are her power, and who’s heart goes doki-doki-she is the Yellow Ranger, Anime. Finally, Mathew “Moskow” StIles, who know’s friendship is magic and will fight to keep the elements of harmony-He is the Pink Ranger, My Little Pony!”
As Hartnell said his name, the pony necklace he wore around his neck began to glow pink. Looking around the other people in the room, it was apparent that each of them had an item glowing their ranger colour also.
“Together, you seven will save the things you love from those who wish to destroy them. Together, you are Power Rangers: Fandom Force!”

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