Friday 14 February 2014

Bath Chronicle Flappy Bird Article

So as part of a annoyingly compulsory 'extended activity' in our Print Publishing lessons in Media at College, JAMes (my lecturer) makes my class go do these bogus reports on things with this chap from The Bath Chronicle. While these would be somewhat appealing for someone who wishes to work in journalism it was not for me as I...well don't. Ergo I cheaped out when it came time for me to do it yesterday and found the way I could do the least amount of effort - by letting the other dudes go out and interview people while I find background info which only takes about 20 mins. ^^

The Flappy Bird Article

Fortunately our group did at least get a mildly more interesting topic than the previous ones from what I gather. However it is still incredibly uninteresting to me the kind of reaction that the Flappy Bird app is getting as I generally don't care about such time waster games. To compound this, ultimately it seems the small (20%-ish of the article) work I did has been decreased even further by the guy from The Bath Chronicle coming along to edit our team's work. He clearly isn't using the background info I researched as basis for his rewrite as I think he's thrown in some facts which weren't present at all in our original draft. While I understand this from a professional standpoint that he may not have felt our presentation or style or whatever wasn't up to snuff with the rest of Chronicle. The fact still remains that our presence in writing this thing has been rendered somewhat pointless.

So enjoy Valentine's Day with my article which is about as much mine as the theatrical cut of Superman II belongs to Richard Donner.

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