Monday 17 February 2014

Shortlad Neo Episode Batch Release

I have begun releasing Season 3 on the net. The first 5 episodes are currently online on the Facebook page.

Episode 1: The Short Fill-In

After 16 years of fighting back Zeno's evil forces, a stronger evil begins to make its move...

Episode 2: The Short Spy

As Shortlad checks whether the shuttle containing key to his HQ's weapons is ready, he doesn't realize he is being watched from afar.

Episode 3: The Short Crash

As a massacre unfolds in the shuttle, Shortlad Jr. travels back to the Metrobase.

Episode 4: The Short Brawl

Seeing the amount of bloodshed in the city, Shortlad decides that today must be Zeno's final battle.

Episode 5: The Short Tragedy

The battle between warriors becomes violent.

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